Welcome to the official website of your Focus Coach, Ed Turose!

Equipping and Training Your Organization To Achieve Greater Results!

Watch Ed Turose’s welcome message!

I will help you, your team and your organization to:

• Increase productivity, efficiency and profitability.
• Decrease stress and anxiety for improved performance.
• Master people skills to adapt to all personalty types.
• Improve communication and collaboration techniques.
• Implement the art of conflict resolution easily.
• Increase creativity, confidence and job satisfaction.
• Improve decision making and problem solving.
• Connect and lower resistance to build trust fast.
• Provide a new level of customer service that sets you apart.
• Advance values and character traits to a whole new level.
• Create a new and refreshing work/life balance.

Also, check out Ed Turose’s Focus Life Institute

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Explore Ed Turose’s Programs


With over 25 years of personal executive coaching experience, Ed will provide personal insights to unlock, shift and release your hidden potential in your personal and professional life to achieve your vision.   


Professionally guiding, advising, and counseling your business or organization by eliminating the barriers so you can focus on advancing and leading forward into the future.


Equipping a new breed of leaders to “act and operate like an owner” by overcoming workplace obstacles through the process of personal application and accountability.

Educational Training

Providing practical training for personal and professional growth focusing on vocational and skills development. Your focus determines your future!


EDtalk podcasts will help you FOCUSIZE your life through personal experiences and processes to reach greater levels of success. Get Focused, Get Results! 

Ed Turose’s Marketplace Book

The HEREOS Effect – Your FOCUSIZE™ Solution

Want greater SUCCESS? Need an EDGE? Looking for an ADVANTAGE? You need The HEREOS Effect! Learn the six key virtues that will produce FAVOR, INCREASE & INFLUENCE in your life.

A person who develops a lifestyle of focus can achieve higher and greater levels of success!

Success is described as a favorable or desired outcome, attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Most people get caught up in the distractions and end up maintaining a mundane or average lifestyle feeling frustrated when they do not meet their goals and objectives.

In consistency lies the power for success! If we can stay consistent by developing specific processes in our life and stay focused on these processes, success will follow us! So let’s begin in the process of implementing six powerful principles that can reshape your life and meet your results.

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