Watch Ed Turose’s Coaching Video!


• 1 on 1 Relationship: Trust is built on relationship and confidentiality. Ed will provide you with the personal tools to identify what is holding you back so you can unlock your potential to see greater levels of success.

• Work/Life Balance: Many CEOS, managers and leaders are workaholics and have a hard time managing their personal and professional life. Ed has been there as a Fortune 500 manager for over 37 years and will provide you with the strategies and coaching Coaching to maintain a healthy balance in both areas.

• Work “On” Not “In” the Business: If someone does not do it right or do it my way then I will have to do it myself! How many times have you heard this from leaders? Ed provides a positive approach to learn how delegate and “act like an owner.”

• Strategic Plan for Personal Goals, Objectives and Your Assignment: Leaders want results! Ed focuses on creating a personal OGSM (Objectives, Goals, Strategies and Measures) strategic plan to keep you focused and learning how to eliminate distractions to achieve your destiny.  

Coaching Intake Form

Thanks for visiting the Focusize ™ coaching page. Kindly fill out the short initial intake form below in as much detail as possible. This will help us to help you in the areas you need help with. After you fill out this form, we will get back to you promptly to schedule your initial consultation.